Kimberly Richer (Daughter) 6th May 2009

Kim's eulogy: There will never be a moment that I will not think of my mom. Our special times together like the time when she dropped everything to be in the delivery room with me when my son Rick was born, going shopping, going to See's candy to get just one piece of her favorite candy, our daily phone calls just to check up on each other, taking all our family vacations like to Hawaii, last year when we went to the River, but I especially remember the trip where we went to my great-grandparents house in Indiana one summer with mom, Aunt Pam, Mammaw Bean, my brother, and my cousins Brent & Bryan. That trip included all the kids including the boys learning how to knit, a stop off at the Air Force Academy where we some how ended up driving down the middle of the football field. I will never forget the look on a man's face as he peered thru a window only to see us driving down a walk way, and the Air Force Academy tour could not be complete without it ending up with a drive down a flight of stairs in a station wagon. Mom did many loving things for her friends and family. She always made sure everything was always equal whether it be a gift for me or my brother Rick or to one of her many grandkids. She always treated the step grandkids just like they were apart of the original four. Mom would always be by our side thru the good times and the bad. She would cry with us and laugh with us. Thos special memories will always be tucked away in my heart. Mom always taught us how to believe in ourselves, to do our best and to reach for the stars - no matter how high they were. Mom was just happy to be around her friends and family. I think mom's moto for how she lived her life was to pack in as much gusto and zest as she possibly could. Mom showed us what loved was by being with dad for 50 years, and for the things she did for those around her. Mom would have been there for me daily, just like I wanted to be there for her and to be a shoulder for dad. I feel it made us closer as a mother and daughter. I still have a message she left me on my voice mail, so I can play it back to hear her voice when I am thinking of her. She was not just my mom she was one of my best friends. I wanted to make sure we would always have something special that we would remember each other by. We both have matching bracelets on today that say "god made you my mother and love made you my friend". She showed us what grace, dignity, strength, and courage looks like - especially the last months of her life. Mom took each one of those days with confidence and strength. She never talked about it but I know she looked her fear's squarely in the face. I was blessed to be there when mom took her last breath. She will always watching over our family as it's guardian angel. A day will come when I see mom's face and she will say to me "come wiht me to the heaven, the best is yet to be". Mom, I will never forget you and will always love you.